Dr. Bill Releford | Stay Safe And Stay Home
Carrying a lab coat with a smile on his face in the Inglewood office, Dr. Bill Releford reported that his rebound was based on the techniques he had developed to get his life back on track. Those practices are described in his soon-to-be-released book, “R to the 3rd Power – Restore, Redefine and Re-launch – How to Gain Peace and Prosperity Inside Adversity.”
“R3 is a multi-disciplinary approach that is natural for combating and advancing beyond landmines, quicksand’s, and WMDs.
Also, Dr. Bill Releford said that although you cannot change or avoid life events and situations, you can learn to see and experience them as a blessing and in a way that works for you.
He continued on to get a doctor of podiatric medicine from Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine and complete a residency at Southwest Detroit Hospital. Upon finishing his residency, Dr. Bill Releford started his Releford Foot and Ankle Institute in Inglewood, California, and has later extended to the second place in Beverly Hills.
Foundation: Amputation Prevention
An extreme measure is sometimes required to preserve the rest of a person’s organs or their life. The specific reason for this recommendation is wounds that are not able to heal correctly due to diabetes complexities. With over thirty years of practice, Dr. Bill Releford uses various licensed treatments to help his patient’s wounds heal speedily. Complete dietary valuation, vascular assessment, and regenerative procedures, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, are some of the methods of treatment offered by the Releford Foot and Ankle Institute.
Diabetic Neuropathy: which you can stop now!
Dr. Bill Releford observed the traits of neuropathy as part of a comprehensive foot care study. Once it is detected, continuous monitoring and treatment help keep the problem under control. Dr. Releford may suggest its established treatment that involves platelet-rich plasma. The sooner any further issues are detected, the better are the chances of recovery.
In the current situation, Dr. Bill Releford says that – As we all know that “An outbreak of coronavirus in China is causing global concern. It derived in December from a seafood and meat market in Wuhan, China. Since then, it has flowed to other countries, including the United States.”
COVID-19 symptoms range from mild to severe. It takes 2–14 days after experience for symptoms to develop. Symptoms may include:
- fever
- cough
- Shortness of breath
People with a weak immune system may develop more severe symptoms, such as pneumonia or bronchitis.
Precautions you need to take:
- Wash your hands with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer for at least 20 seconds.
- Cover your face with a tissue.
- Ask medical care if you have a fever, cough, or difficulty in breathing.
- Maintain a minimum distance of 6-feet with each person you meet.
- Follow Social distancing to avoid getting infected.
Stay Safe and Stay Home. Save your lives by following Social-distance.
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