Ways To Treat Heel Pain Using Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy
In current years, doctors have discovered that the body has the ability to heal itself. Platelet-enriched plasma therapy is a form of regenerative therapy that can exploit those abilities and enhance natural growth factors to heal your body’s tissues.
Platelet-enriched plasma (PRP) therapy uses the injection of a patient’s concentration of their platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. PRP injections are made by moving anywhere from a tube of your blood through a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets.
PRP Therapy Is Used To Treat Heel Pain:
Hello, this is Dr. Bill Releford – a foot surgeon from the Releford Foot and Ankle Institute. Here you will learn about PRP Injection and how we use it to treat heel pain.
Causes Of Heel Pain:
Heel pain is a commonly seen phenomenon in people of all ages. The most widely recognized types of heel pain affect the underside of the heel. Taking the first step while getting out of bed can be excruciating. However, heel pain can also be caused by an array of other medical conditions, including bursitis, internal fractures, sprains, arthritis, and infections.
As we age, the fat pad’s average thickness on the floor of our feet becomes thinner, therefore subjecting our body to more trauma. Wearing shoes without proper support can be another factor in hurting your heel.
Common Treatment:
Several remedies are suggested to get rid of heel pain quickly as heel pain usually prevents people from doing daily work. Resting the affected area is the best way to allow the tissue to recover. In addition to comfort, using various exercises and wearing a heel pad inside the shoe also help reduce heel pain. Common treatments such as massages, steroid injections, and acupuncture can also be used to treat heel pain. Still, they often prove ineffective, and the pain returns after a while, especially in people over 40 years of age.
Heel pain should not be taken lightly because ignoring it can cause tendon or ligament rupture and other foot problems. As a leading foot and ankle surgeon and medical director of the Releford Foot and Ankle Institute, my experience has proven that many of the current treatment options are short-term and usually have adverse effects that sometimes result from heel pain are worse.
How Does PRP Injection Work To Treat Heel Pain?
A large number of studies have been done using platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of heel pain. With more than 90 percent cases of permanent relief, more podiatrists have begun adopting this therapy for successful treatment.
Platelet-rich plasma has been found to enhance the healing process. PRP is also demonstrated in people who tend to have tendonitis or chronic tendinosis conditions such as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow pain.
Some of the significant benefits of PRP injections are that they can reduce the need for more patent medications such as anti-inflammatory or opioids. Research has shown that high concentrations of platelet-derived growth factors invite a rapid healing response that allows soft tissue to heal at the cellular level.
Treatment with the Facility:
Researchers at the Releford Ankle and Foot Institute have developed an innovative PRP therapy to treat heel pain under my expert guidance. The Releford Foot and Ankle Institute holds several regenerative medicine patents. For over 30 years, I have provided advanced procedures and treatments to address the medical conditions of the foot and ankle.
PRP therapy is used to treat numerous types of pain, including pain in the spine, ankles, knees, hips, wrists, elbows and shoulders, as well as soft tissue pain and pain associated with osteoarthritis.
PRP Injection in Basildon